Assignment of Credit Hours Policy

Effective Date
July 1, 2023

Revised Date
July 1, 2014


[email protected]

Policy #1.80: The purpose of this policy is to provide guidelines for awarding semester hour credits for academic courses.

Policy Scope
This policy applies to students and faculty.

Responsible Office

Hartwick follows NYSED regulations and practices governing the awarding of credit in the following manner:

  • One credit is equal to 12.5 contact hours (750 minutes): a 3-credit course must have at least 37.5 contact hours (2,250 minutes) per term and a 4-credit course, must have at least 50 hours (3,000 minutes) per term;
  • To be considered for credit, a contact hour must contain a significant amount of faculty-student contact (recommended by NYSED as student/faculty research, lectures, seminars, etc.);
  • The final exam period is counted as part of the contact-hour requirement;
  • The assumption is that for every one hour in class, students will have 2 hours of work/homework beyond the class time; therefore, it is expected that for every semester credit hour given, a total of three hours per week for each week of the term are required.

Additionally, Hartwick recognizes the following standard practices in Higher Education when awarding credits:

  • Science laboratories of 2-3 hours are counted as 1 credit;
  • Science laboratories of 4 or more hours are counted as 2 credits;
  • For studio courses, 3 hours of studio time and space are required for each 1 semester-credit (NASAD); state practice is 2-3 hours of studio for 1 credit
  • For online/web assisted/blended course, these courses have the same learning outcomes as the corresponding face-to-face offerings. Students are expected to actively engage with the instructor and/or materials posted by the instructor for a duration 12.5 hours per credit during a term. Online class activities include, but are not limited to, interactive instruction, recorded lectures, discussion boards moderated by the instructor, and other virtual study arranged by the instructor. Additionally, each credit requires two hours of outside preparation each week during a term.
  • Internships at Hartwick require 40 hours per credit.