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Phone Number
607-431-4643 Department
English Areas of Expertise
narrative, genre, and cultural studies; 18th through early 20th-century British culture and literature; scientific theory and narrative form; gender studies; film studies
Ph.D., University of Michigan Susan J. Navarette
Professor of English
Recent courses taught:
- Rude and Anarchic: Sterne and Joyce
- Living in Bleak House
- Oscar Wilde and the Queer Cultures of the ‘90s
- Romantic Fictions
- Jane Austen: Life, Works, World
- On Being a Man: Representations of Masculine Behavior in Film and Fiction
- Unruly Women: Women, Power, Disobedience
Distinctions (awards, fellowships, and grants):
- Margaret B. Bunn Teaching Award (2010; 2016)
- NEH Fellow, American Academy in Rome (2001)
- Tanner Faculty Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching (1997), UNC-Chapel Hill
- Lifetime Member, Academy of Distinguished Teaching Scholars, UNC-Chapel Hill
- Resident Fellow (sole U.S. resident fellow), Commonwealth Center for Literary and Cultural Change, University of Virginia, Charlottesville (1993)
- R.I. Alpha chapter of Phi Beta Kappa
Selected publications:
- The Shape of Fear: Horror and the Fin de Siècle Culture of Decadence (Lexington, KY: The University Press of Kentucky, 1998).
- “Articulating the Dead: Vernon Lee, Decadence and ‘The Doll,’” rpt. in Short Story Criticism, Vol. 216 of Short Story Criticism Series, ed. Lawrence J. Trudeau (Gale, 2015).
- “In the Destroyer’s Steps: Miles’s Death Cry in Henry James’s Turn of the Screw,” in Nursery Realms: Children in the Worlds of Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror, ed. Gary Westfahl and George Slusser (Athens, GA: U of Georgia P, 1999) 185-99.
- “The Fine Reality of Hunger Satisfied: Food and Desire in C. S. Lewis’s Perelandra,” in Foods of the Gods: Eating and the Eaten in Science Fiction and Fantasy, ed. Eric Rabkin and George Slusser (Athens, GA: U of Georgia P, 1996) 97-114.
- “The Anatomy of Failure in Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness,” Texas Studies in Literature and Language 35.3 (Fall, 1993): 279-315.
College service and professional affiliations:
- English Department Chair (2016 – )
- Associate Chair for English Advising (2007-2012)
- Arts & Humanities Division representative (2011 – 2015), Faculty Council
- President, Hartwick College Honor Society (2016 – )
- Originator and co-archivist, “Stories from the HART,” Hartwick’s oral history archive (2008 – 2013)
- Invited co-chair, President Margaret Drugovich’s Inauguration Committee (2008)
- Humanities Division Faculty Representative, Search Committee for Hartwick College President (2007-‘08)
- Humanities Division Faculty Representative, Search Committee for the Vice President of Academic Affairs, Hartwick College (2003-2004)
- Reader, The Victorian Review, University of Alberta