Lawrence Ogbeifun
Phone Number
Areas of Expertise

Macroeconomics, Monetary Economics, Labor Economics, Environmental
and Energy Economics.

Ph.D., University of Mississippi

Lawrence Ogbeifun

Assistant Professor of Economics

Recent courses taught

  • Principle of Macroeconomics
  • Money and Banking
  • Public Finance
  • Research Method
  • Energy Markets and Policies

Selected Publications

  • “Crafting monetary policy beyond low carbon legacy” (with Shobande Olatunji & Apergis Nicholas). International Review of Economics and Finance, 2024.
  • “Globalization, Technology, and Global Health” (with Shobande Olatunji & Asongu Simplice). Journal of Science and Technology Policy, 2024
  • “Extricating the impacts of emissions trading system and energy transition on carbon intensity” (with Shobande Olatunji & Aviral Kumar Tiwari). Applied Energy, 2024.
  • “Unlocking information technology infrastructure for promoting climate resilience and environmental quality” (with Shobande Olatunji & Aviral Kumar Tiwari). Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2024.
  • “Re-evaluating the impacts of green innovations and renewable energy on carbon neutrality: Does social inclusiveness really matters?” (with Shobande Olatunji & Aviral Kumar Tiwari). Journal of Environmental Management, 2023.
  • “An empirical analysis of fishery Kuznets curve hypothesis: evidence from OECD countries” (with Shobande Olatunji). Journal of Developing Areas, 2023.
  • “Pooling cross-sectional and time series data for estimating causality between technology innovation, affluence, and carbon dynamics: a comparative evidence from developed and developing economy” (with Shobande Olatunji). Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2022.
  • “Sustainable Blueprint: Do Stock Investors Increase Emissions?” (with Olatunji Shobande). Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 2022.
  • “The criticality of financial development and energy consumption for environmental sustainability in OECD countries: Evidence from dynamic panel analysis” (with Olatunji Shobande). International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology, 2021.
  • “Has information and communication technology improved environmental quality in the OECD?––a dynamic panel analysis” (with Olatunji Shobande). International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology, 2021.
  • “Debt Sustainability and the fiscal reaction function: evidence from MIST countries” (with Olatunji Shobande). Future Business Journal, 2020.