Hartwick College students sitting on Founders' Way

Impact Report

Fiscal Year 2023-2024

With Deepest Gratitude: Vice President's Message

I am thrilled to share that your generosity has made this past year one for the record books at Hartwick College! Thanks to your support, weJames Kellerhouse reached an incredible milestone, with total gifts, pledges and grants amounting to $12.7 million. Your contributions helped make this our most successful fundraising year yet—a remarkable achievement that speaks volumes about the strength and dedication of our alumni, parents and friends.

Our Together, We Soar campaign, which we proudly launched this year, has seen inspiring success. I am delighted to report that we’ve raised $39 million, a resounding validation of your belief in Hartwick’s mission and its transformative impact on our students. These gifts are shaping the future of our College, advancing initiatives that will benefit generations of Hartwick students and faculty. We hope you subscribe to our bi-weekly Hawks in Flight newsletter that highlights the impact of your generosity.

This year we established a new tradition to honor our move to the beloved Oyaron Hill in Oneonta. Every year, we’ll come together on April 8 to support the College we love. Celebrating this day strengthens our sense of belonging and community, and amplifies the impact of every gift, large or small, creating a profound ripple effect throughout Hartwick. And it reinforces our commitment to Oneonta and our region.

On behalf of President James Mullen and the entire Hartwick College community, thank you for being part of this extraordinary journey. Your generosity, partnership and passion for Hartwick continues to propel us forward. Together, we are soaring to new heights, ensuring Hartwick College remains a beacon of access, opportunity, innovation and success.

James Kellerhouse
Vice President for Institutional Advancement and External Affairs

Record Breaking Fundraising Year


Funds raised of the $50 million goal.


Raised in a record breaking fundraising year.


Raised from Foundation & Government Grants.


Generous donors.


New scholarship funds.


Gifts or commitments exceeding $1 million.


New global funds.

With Deepest Appreciation: Alumni Association President's Message

On behalf of the Alumni Board, I extend my heartfelt thanks to each and every one of you for your extraordinary generosity and commitmentSarah Sanders, President of Hartwick College Alumni Association speaking at Commencement to Hartwick College this year. Your support is vital in helping the College foster a well-rounded, life-enriching experience for all students, and we are deeply grateful for your contributions.

As members of the Hartwick family, we understand that true success is not only measured by academic achievement but also by the ability to create a balanced life—where students can grow intellectually, emotionally, and socially.

Once again, thank you for making ‘life balance’ a reality for Hartwick students. Your continuing commitment is the fuel that allows our students to soar to new heights and allows Hartwick to deliver on the Life Balance promise.

It inspires me to see the College continue to help students define their paths to success and fulfillment. I hope that you are excited and inspired by the success stories made possible by your investment.

Sarah Otto Sanders ’11
President, Hartwick College Alumni Association 

Stories of Impact

Glenn Munson '72

Personal Growth: Translating Gratitude Into a Legacy at Hartwick College

Alumnus credits his experience as a student worker in Hartwick’s Admissions Office for launching him in his career.
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Michael Demarais '24 with Mother and President Mullen at Honors Convocation 2024

Scholarship Impact: The Power of Hartwick

The moment when a student was made aware of Hartwick College’s network.
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Jas Stuchel '25

Scholarship Impact: Dorothy and Eva Newton Rowe Scholarship

The scholarship was established in 1996 through an estate gift by Jeannette Ingham "Trot" Waterman.
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Willard Yager in the field

Yager Museum of Art & Culture: Custodians of Legacy Build the Future for an Industry

The museum has served as a research and preservation hub, and an incubator for future museum professionals.
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Donors Listed by Giving Level

H Honorary Degree Recipient; + Kellogg Society; P Parent; * Deceased
The Abraham L. Kellogg Society includes alumni, parents, and friends who have made provisions for the College in their wills or estate plans.
Lists reflect gifts given between July 1, 2023 and June 30, 2024.


Colleen Connery ’83+
Judith Day*
Kathleen Fallon ’88 & Michael D’Onofrio*
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Sarah Griffiths Herbert ’88, H’19 & Timothy Herbert+
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
David Long ’83, H’14 & Stephanie Isgur Long ’84
Raymond Miller Jr. ’73+
Miss Lorraine E Reich*
Kevin Rudd ’72*
Robert Spadaccia ’70+
State of New York
US Department of Education

Anonymous #183
Aramark Corporation
John Duffy H’00, P’91, P’95
Francis Landrey P’06 & Maureen Kilfoyle P’06
The National Development Council
US Department of Labor
US Department of State Bureau of Education & Cultural Affairs

Richard Aradine ’67 & Janet Orange Aradine ’69
Elaine Arnold ’69 & Jeffrey Lamia+
Richard Clapp ’62 & Carol Clapp+
Richard Cross ’66
Andrew Deubler ’87 & Cathleen Deubler
Dewar Foundation, Inc.
Robert Gipson & Nellie Gipson
Susan Hughson*
Internal Revenue Service
J.M. McDonald Foundation, Inc.
Thomas Johnstone & Cynthia Johnstone
National Science Foundation
Kathy Palmer Ordonez ’72, H’00
George Reitmeier
Lisa Schulmeister ’78+
Stack Family
Ralph Storm ’51
Tianaderrah Foundation
Maureen Viehmeyer P’05+
Robert Wedeking ’90
Brian Wright H’02 & Josie Wright+

Appalachian Regional Commission
Frederick Baum III ’87

Cabbadetus Foundation
Community Foundation of Otsego County
Margaret F. Daniel*
William Davis ’49, H’19*
Kenneth Dobert ’61 & Maureen Riley Dobert ’63
Edward Droesch ’82
Arnold Drogen+
Eggleston Foundation
John Fennelly Jr. ’82
Lore Schefter Ferguson ’54+
Clinton B. Ford*
Allen Freedman H’00 & Judy Freedman H’13+
Brian Gareau ’80
Keith Granet ’79
Harry E. Hallenbeck, Jr. ’55*
Mary Pat Lindsley ’86+
Cyrus Mehri ’83, H’21
Neal Miller ’72 & Mary Sapienza Miller ’73+
Janet Mitchell ’71+
Karl Mosch ’69 & Joan Moylan Mosch ’71+
Otis A. Thompson Foundation, Inc.
Charles Paul ’72 & Carolyn Van Eps Paul ’73+
L. Phillip Rosenthall ’84 & Elizabeth Doyle Rosenthall ’84
Rosalind Schoof
Christine Semenenko P’09
Serge Semenenko Family Foundation
Robert Siegler ’78
Georgette Smith ’85, P’18 & Frank McMahon P’18
Virginia Vail ’67*
Nancy Vogelsang ’67*
Lawrence Weill ’77 & Patricia Muskopf Weill ’79
Dorothy Cenkner Wicker ’65+

Bruce Anderson ’63+
Anonymous #264
Michael Auble ’96
Thomas Beattie & Muriel Beattie+
Diane Green Brown ’60
E. Robert Burns ’61
Community Foundation for a Greater Richmond
Richard B DeFrances*
Sonia DeFrances
Virginia Elwell ’77, H’18+
Dean M. Graham Foundation
Greater Hudson Heritage Network
Barbara Haynes P’98
Kathi Fragola Hochberg ’73+
Evelyn Hesse Keehn ’46, P’69*
Karen Porritt Lanspery ’67 & Paul Lanspery
Michigan Craft Beverage Council
James Mullen Jr. & Mari Mullen
Murch Foundation
Maynard Murch V ’94
National Association of Counties
New York State Library Collections
Carol Glancy Nuss ’61*
Joel Patterson ’96 & Jamie Patterson
Rory Read ’83, H’17, P’09 & Mary Savoy-Read ’84, P’09
Marina Mikhailova Regelman ’95 & Roman Regelman
Robert Roth P’15 & Joyce Roth P’15+
Santo Russo ’91
Ivan Samstein
Matthew Shortino ’96, P’25 & Bonnie Heinzerling Shortino ’97, P’25
Holbrook Smith ’91
Cathy Weeks ’81 & David Mack+
Peter Wilson ’71 & Susan Wilson
Mark Wright
Thomas Wynne ’82
Maribeth Zankowski ’71

Anonymous #175
Julie Auble P’96 & William Auble P’96
Charles Bongiorno & Laurel Bongiorno
Christopher Casciani ’91 & Carrie Stannard Casciani ’93
Cynthia Coddington & D. Mitchell Coddington ’77
Dalene Davis Cross ’59, P’84, P’87+
Elaine Raudenbush DiBrita ’61 & Anthony DiBrita
Michael Doherty ’73 & Kristine Kingery+
Laurie Baird Ducey ’75, P’09 & Roger Ducey III P’09
Steve French ’80, P’09 & Debra Fischer French ’80, P’09
James P. & Ruth C. Gillroy Foundation, Inc.
Kristin Hall ’00+
Robert Hanft ’69, H’18 & Patricia Russell Hanft ’72+
John Janitz P’21 & Suzanne Janitz P’21
William Kitson III ’86 & Diane Smith Kitson ’87+
Diane Korntheuer ’75 & Peter Grzybala
Randy McCullough ’86
Christopher McDougal ’01
William Mosakowski
Stephen Nelson ’88+
Ken Patterson P’96 & Jan Patterson P’96
William Perez II ’74
Christopher Provino ’08
Leonard Pudelka & Virginia Pudelka+
Robinson-Broadhurst Foundation, Inc.
William Rogers ’77, P’21 & Maira Rogers P’21+
David Rowley ’72 & Gail Rowley
C. Reed Scott ’92
Jennifer Smith ’99
Scott Smith ’85
Barbara Spakowski ’73
George Stephan H’01, P’78 & Gesella Stephan P’78+
Swipe Out Hunger Corporation
Amy Bigler Torrey ’93 & Matthew Torrey
University of Arkansas
Maria Vezina ’73
James Warner ’83 & Susan Schroeder Warner ’84
Burton Wilcke Jr. ’69
Mary Windrath

Glen Albertson ’00
Pamela Blank Angeloff ’68
Anonymous #97
Anonymous #140
Gary Ash ’92 & Anna Ash
Andrew Ashworth ’74
Richard Aulisi ’66
Cynthia Baldwin ’76 & Samuel Black
Sigrid Klinger Bensen ’59
Brice Bernsee ’88
Richard Blanchard ’63
Amy Blodgett ’86+
Steven Bloom ’76 & Regina Monticone
Judith Boyd-Persen ’69
Nancy Bogel Brackett ’60, P’83
William Brault ’65
Brooks Bar-B-Que Charitable Foundation
Sallie Brophy P’78, P’80+
David Brown ’73
Bucknell University
Gay Perry Burch ’69 & R. Donald Burch
Cynthia Gallagher Burnim ’68 & Peter Burnim+
Andrew Cartwright ’90
Matthew Chase ’93 & Shana Meehan Chase ’93
Jeffrey Cook ’94+
Judith Morris Corbit ’64
Geoffrey Corn ’83
John Damtoft ’74
Karin Schindler Damtoft ’73*
Mary Holland Dana ’65
Susan DeMarco ’78
Rita M. Dibble
Valerie Cross Dorn ’84
Jason Drotar ’96
Garfield Drummond ’99
Carol Elder
William Elkins Jr. ’66 & Elizabeth Abbott Elkins ’68
Steven Epstein P’18 & Melissa Epstein P’18
Joan Schomacker Erickson ’67
Lynda Potter Ewen ’65
Jackson H. Fenner Foundation
Emory Ford ’62 & Susan Rogers Ford ’63
William French ’09
Freysinger Giving Fund
Milton Frye P’10 & Carolyn Frye P’10
Keith Fulmer & Teresa Fulmer
Margaret Boland Gardiner ’87 & Edward Gardiner
Joanne Gathard ’92 & Matthew Jones ’92
Frank Ginther ’58+
Joan Neiswanger Gionfriddo ’77
Naomi Glass ’52+
Gail & Lawrence Glover
Gregory Goetz ’15
Martha Slosson Hankins ’62+
Patrick Hanley ’06
Marilyn May Harris ’72
Jonathan Hart ’85 & Leah Bernsee Hart ’85
Cody Henderson
Cyrus Henry III ’88, P’08 & Bonnie Henry P’08
Bruce Herman ’78+
Eric Hipsman ’03
Karin Hughes ’89
Joshua Jackson ’87 & Cynthia Davis Jackson ’88
Richard Jensen ’66
Andrea Johnston ’72
Betty Cheyne Jones ’53+
James Kellerhouse & Tom Mackey
Zachary Kerzner ’09
Margery Lange Keskin ’77
Klem Family Foundation
John Klem P’89 & Elinor Klem P’89
Kluge Family
Peter Komarinski P’97 & Mary Komarinski P’97
David Kosnick ’69
John Langan Jr. P’88, P’90 & Caroline Langan P’88, P’90
Stephanie Lavenberg ’92
John Lindell
William Loweth ’73 & Adrianne Loweth
Michael Maben & Patricia Maben
Michael MacDowell & Tina MacDowell
Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation
Rebecca Montgomery Maguire ’73
John Manchester ’57
Jeanne Rockwell Martin ’72
Helen Karas McFeeters ’73
Karen McGrath
Anthony Merante ’65*
Thom Meredith ’73
George Michael Jr. ’71 &Cathy Prairie Michael ’73
Peter Morrison ’82 & Janet Frawley Morrison ’83
Jason Moses ’83
H. Richard Naslund P’15
Jane Oddo ’75+
Otsego County
Ronald Paradies ’70+
Rudy Pena ’81
David Phelps ’79 & Sara Allison Phelps ’80
Deborah Pickett ’73+
Susan Forcey Porritt ’71
Bear Pratt &Carrie Pratt
Lucinda Quitasol P’23 & Gregory Staup P’23
Laura Ewen Ray ’79
Alicia Richardson
Nicholas Romansky ’78, P’10 & Norma Baillie Romansky ’78, P’10
Nancy Romeo ’78
Marion Rude
Diane Sachs
James Sanders ’13 & Sarah Otto Sanders ’11+
Robert Sawicki ’74 & Elizabeth Thompson Sawicki ’75
Dianne Todd Sawyer ’78 & Charles Sawyer
Carl Schell Jr. ’76, P’07, P’10 & Susan Stone Schell ’76, P’07, P’10+
Karen Schlather+
Wendell Shawler ’50
Eric Shoen ’99+
Henry Sibley III ’74 & Sandra Milne Sibley ’73
Stephen Skinner
Douglas Stone ’83
Frederick Stoss ’72
Donald Tarazano ’85
Woodman Thompson ’83 & Katrine Pendleton Thompson ’83
United Way Of Mid Rural New York
Linda Van Iderstine ’92
Jeffrey Walthall ’82 &Nancy Wolf Walthall ’84
Nissa Westerberg ’99
Nancy Wiener ’27
Michael Young ’83
Lorraine Zimniewicz+
Karen Zuill

Anonymous #74
Anonymous #326
Thomas Bartodziej & Patricia Dopazo+
Esther Batchelder P’89 & Richard Batchelder P’89
Stephen Bedzis ’81
Eric Boemer ’91 7 Sally Boemer
Christian Boniforti
Karrie Moss Borgelt ’96
John Brennan ’73, P’03 & Marsha Schattner Brennan ’72, P’03
Barbara Babbitt Briggs ’75
Buck Family Farm
Ann Buerschaper ’67 & Geoffrey Jones+
Timothy Canty ’94
Patricia Carrigan ’82
Daniel Castle ’83 & Katherine Murray Castle ’84
Anne Chorbajian ’86
Keisha Clarke ’02
John Cooney Jr. ’80
Peter Crounse ’62
Donna Gavett Currie ’62, GP’16
Sharon Davidson Dettenrieder ’65
Joseph DiNanno Sr. P’25 & Eileen DiNanno P’25
Kathy & Keith Dragon Giving Fund
John Dudek & Andrea Thies ’15
Susan VanLeer Duetsch ’70 & Robert Duetsch
Richard Elder
George Elsbeck & Christine Elsbeck
Joseph Ficano & Carlena Ficano
Michael Finnerty ’92 & Rebecca Finnerty
Janice Foerschler ’64
Jeffrey Fortin P’24 & Michelle Fortin P’24
Roger Fritts ’62, P’88 & Patricia Fritts P’88
Amanda Gerich ’06
Bryan Gross & Kimberly Gross
Shelly Hall ’98
Gary Handel ’76
Susan Stuart Harvey ’67
Elsie Lorenzen Haus ’61 & Ronald Haus
Christine Juno Hawley ’68 & H. Hawley+
Michael Hoar ’69+
Karen Hotaling-Horn+
Meredith Jason ’87
Gregory Johnson P’11 & Katherine Johnson P’11
Christopher Kondo ’89
Jonathan Kresky ’17
Cherilyn Lacy & Mark Wolff
Andrew Lapayowker P’08 & Sarah McCafferty P’08
Deborah Mansbach Lawrence ’82
League Of Women Voters of The Cooperstown Area
Donald Lee ’69 & Susan Rosenberg Lee ’70
Andrew Leighton ’69
Kimberley Lindsley
William Longbrake P’01
Loon Lake Living Trust
Seth Lucas ’10 & Walter Schoen
Donald Luy & Peggy Luy
Edward Mahn P’23 & Jane Stahl P’23
Harry Matthews+
John McDowell ’75
Michael McIntire ’85, P’13, P’21 & Margaret McIntire P’13, P’21
Virginia McMath
Matthew Metzgar ’10 & Bethany Lillie Metzgar ’11
Raymond Miller ’73
Rill Goldstein Miller ’76
Susan Bosch Miller ’80
Michael Mongin ’91
Katherine Scofield Morgan ’99
Isabelle Niles
John Nowak ’02
Edith Schreiner Ocampo ’69+
Jeanine Panetta O’Kane ’90
Lincoln Page ’62+
James Palmer ’89
Casius Pealer Jr. ’64 & Gwynn Skelton Pealer ’68+
Michael Pearse ’74
Susan Fueshko Perry ’86
Barbara Decker Pledger ’93, P’04
Elizabeth Powell ’82
James Ranney ’68
Barbara Bachar Risser ’73 & Fred Risser
Gary Roth ’71+
Sally Pope Ruef ’70
Richard Ruppel ’76
Graham Shafer ’94
Bradford Shaw ’76
Robert Shipman ’83, P’11, P’14 & Barbara Pyle Shipman ’83, P’11, P’14
Jay Summerson ’89
Austin Sylva ’18
George Thomson ’70 & Linda Reckhow Thomson ’72+
Michael Toolan ’94
Barbara Carey Vermylen ’83 & Mark Vermylen
Patricia Cheyne Washburn ’63+
Jeanne Parker Westcott ’66+
Donald Wiggins ’71
Wendy Lee Williams ’99
Darren Woods ’88
Michael Young ’02+
George Zarins
Tamyra Matina Zieran ’83
Walter Zultowski ’73 & Linda Bullard Zultowski ’73

Mary Allen & Mark Kuhlmann
Neal Allen III ’68
Robert Anderson P’99 & Nancy Anderson P’99
Elizabeth Ayer
David Barnes ’79 & Lynn Barnes
Stefanie DiLallo Bitter ’97
Timothy Blake P’21
Glen Bourque ’91
Michelle Brown ’87
George Bruno ’64, H’96 & Rona Zlokower+
Charles Buckley ’66
Carol Campbell ’74 & Edward Rebisz
Robert Cape ’64
P. Caple ’62
Lorraine Essegian Carlson ’72
Jeanette Nelson Clay ’74 & Barrett Clay
R. Richard Conard ’74
Thomas Coughlin P’88 & Dorothy Coughlin P’88
Tami Mollo Cruz ’97+
Bryant Cureton & Jeanette Cureton
Barbara Dauerty ’73
Michael Davis P’02 & Marcia Davis P’02
Michele O’Leary Diacik ’86
Moira Dolan ’81
Katherine Wall Donahue ’82
Randall Downer ’80
Barry Downing ’60
Laurel Elder
Laurie Elwell ’75
Jon Ernstoff P’12 & Marty Ernstoff P’12
Nancy Fry Fasano ’65
Tina Embich Fiorelli ’85
Lori Fisher ’80 & Peter Fisher
Ellen Fagerheim Frederick ’65
Sarah Beattie Galvin ’00 & Marc Galvin
William Gates ’70
Neil Geddes ’97
Kimberly Keller Gerrish ’88
Peter Gold ’75
Megan Gray
Robert Green ’76 & Jean Outhouse Green ’78
Paul Hackenberry Jr. & Paula Lee Hobson
Timothy Hagen P’07 & Mary Hagen P’07
Mark Harf ’88
Thomas Hegeman ’74
George Hellyer ’73 & George Wagner ’73
Robert Homler P’17 & Diane Homler P’17
Dean Hoyt ’63
Mariann Hyde ’91
George Jones ’71 & June Ferrill
Mark Jones ’81+
Susanne Jones ’95
Jane Kastan
Sophia Kehr ’24
Rachel Hoffman Kelley ’93
Michael Kilian & Valerie Hurley
Betty Coiner Kitzmann ’60
Robert Kleckner ’70
Richard E & Susan J Klein
Brian Kleinberg ’90 & Leisyl Ryan Kleinberg ’90
Jodi Krzyston
Nicholas Lambros ’61, P’02 & Sharon Lambros P’02
William Lewis ’69
David Lubell
Catherine Mackesey ’12
Halle Mahoney ’17
Keeley Maloney ’02
Amy Markham ’85
James McClusky ’85
Camille McKenna ’00
Nancy Middlebrook ’76
Richard Mulroy III ’99
Glenn Munson ’72+
Robert Murdock
Harold Nelson ’69
Charles Ohl Jr. ’79 & Leslie Bunis Ohl ’79
Christopher Ollendike ’93, P’25 & Deirdre Kennedy Ollendike ’93, P’25
Michelle Eliuk Parker ’86
Jonathan Pearson IV ’74 & Joan Zuk Pearson ’74+
Salvatore Pepe Jr. ’86
Joanna Phippen ’86
Timothy Raimy ’17
Adam Randall ’10
William Remia
Andrea Reynolds ’87
Richard Riccio ’66 & Amanda Riccio
John Riefler ’69 & Etta Martin Riefler ’68
Jennie Marquette Rightmyer ’64
Daniel Rittereiser ’86 & Paula Lambert Rittereiser ’86
Robert Rittereiser P’86 & Mary Rittereiser P’86
Richard Rizzo Jr. ’66 & Carol Shevlin Rizzo ’66
Joseph Rocco III ’08
Norman Rogers Jr. ’72
Todd Rogers ’84
Christa Rogge-Reiter
Rodger Schultz ’66, P’09, P’12, P’16 & Mona Schultz P’09, P’12, P’16
Susan Hart Schwarz ’73, P’13
Dennis Scott & Patricia Scott
Bernie Semp
Julie Elgart Semp ’62
Frank Senn ’65
Karen Shockey ’79
Carol Skeldon ’80
Bruce Sloan ’61, P’83 & Jane Sloan P’83
Eric Stephens ’87
Joan Dunbar Sutton ’64
Robert Swift ’62 & Margot Werme Swift ’62
Patricia O’Neill Tedesco ’82
Caroline Terry ’61
David Tovey ’72
Gary Vellekamp Fund
Sean Wagner ’89
Karen Wasserman ’75
Kathleen Watson ’79
Mason White ’01
Christopher Willcox ’13 & Lindsay Bowker ’14
Sharon Wiles-Young ’80
Suzanne Wilson ’68
John Wolgast ’73 & Sandra Hoover Wolgast ’74
Debra Bond Wollaber ’73
Mark Woods ’83 & Alison Cox Woods ’84
Michael Zysik ’88

Dale Ackerly ’65
Christopher Adams ’87
Michelle Faubert Adey ’94
Sagarina Adhikari ’28
Jessica Akuffo
Norma Albrecht-Gerwig ’65 & Jeffrey Gerwig ’64
Candace Cornish Aldrich ’71
Mary Jo Alfano ’97
Donna Crosby Alfieri ’75
Susan Allen ’76
Marie Cinterella Allgaier ’69
Susan Worth Alter ’91
Edward Ambrose P’86, P’90 & Mary Ambrose P’86, P’90
Rebekah Ambrose-Dalton ’90 & Lisle Dalton
Jeffrey Anderson ’74
Victor Angeline IV ’14
James Angstadt ’08 & Charlotte Gabrielsen ’09
Anonymous #67
Anonymous #89
Anonymous #128
Anonymous #145
Anonymous #158
Anonymous #162
Anonymous #163
Anonymous #168
Anonymous #172
Anonymous #193
Anonymous #208
Anonymous #209
Anonymous #211
Anonymous #216
Anonymous #219
Anonymous #280
Anonymous #286
Anonymous #307
Anonymous #320
Rosina Ilchuk Ansaldo ’73
Jason Antrosio & Sallie Han
Gary Archibald P’95 & Cynthia Archibald P’95
Charles Arentowicz ’70
Michael Arno
Thomas Aroksaar ’22
Stephen Ash P’27 & Kathleen Ash P’27
Alfred Atkins IV ’93
Sandra Ford Attleson ’57
Jane Ault ’73
Erin Autera
Paul Babbitt P’24 & Heather Babbitt P’24
Isabella Babbitt ’24
John Babchak III ’75
Renee Bachman
David Bachner P’04 & Forrest Bachner P’04
Heather Bailey P’28 & Justin Bailey P’28
Sally Barnes Bailey ’71
Jennifer Balazs
Elizabeth Baldwin ’82
Victoria Balfe ’24
Zsuzsanna Balogh-Brunstad & Keith Brunstad
Robert Barker ’78
Richard Barlow
Trevon Barnett ’26
Joseph Barravecchio
Mercedes Bass ’04
Debra Bausback ’89
David Beaujon ’87
Aimee Beavers
Alfred Beckemeyer ’91 & Lori Beckemeyer
Jonathan Becker ’79
Scott Bedrick ’81
Hossein Behniaye P’27
James Behret ’15
Bruce Belden ’72
Desiree Belonge ’21
Dale Darling Bennett ’76+
Christopher Berg ’99 & Staci Izbicki Berg ’98
Frank Berger ’72
Melody Marks Best ’84
Brian Birch
Catherine Beilharz Bishop ’70
Charlene Gion Blake ’73
David Blake ’71 & Donna Jean Ayers Blake ’71+
Paul Blodgett ’72
James Maloney P’16 & Elizabeth Bloom P’16
Jacqueline Beyette Blue ’65 & Walter Blue
Robert Boening ’61 & Merriam Baker Boening ’62
Robert Boissy P’13 & Katharine Boissy P’13
Amber Boulay
Patricia Bourne ’73
Carolyn Bowen
Heather Boxill ’96
Jeffrey Boyd ’12
Kaleigh Brady ’24
Shirley Braman P’90
Michael Branch
Frances Loewenstein Brandt ’94
Janice Vanicky Brejwo ’73
Dominic Brent
Jacquelyn Brown ’03
Sarah Purcell Browne ’73
Stephanie Brunetta
Susan Chilcoat Bucceri ’83
Scott Bundy
Scott Burdick ’27
Alice Morrison Busche ’65 & Leon Busche
Sarah Busche
Samantha Butcher
James Buthman
Ryan Butler
Daniel Buttermann & Ana Gonzalez
Barbara Byington ’62
Aidan Byrne P’24, P’25 & Kelly Byrne P’24, P’25
Elizabeth Johl Byrne ’77
Archibald Campbell ’68
Kathy-Ann Foth Campbell ’88
Parker Canedy ’25
Dana Spice ’97 & Leny Jo Captein ’97
Erica Carbone
Thomas Carlon ’24
Kathleen Carlson
Ann Carman
Larry Carpenter ’84
Stephanie Carr ’06
Tiffany Hurley Carr ’02 & Mark Carr
James Carriero ’74
Vanessa Dahlin Carroll ’83
Carson Family Fund
Patricia Hermes Case ’86 & William Case
David Caspole
William Cassidy ’66 & Jacqueline Boyd Cassidy ’67
Ryan Ceresola
Petra Schnitker Cervino ’88
Taryn Chase ’00
James Chastek
Aakriti Chaudhary ’26
Jesse Menefee & Jing Chen
Matthew Chick
Sheila Boland Chira ’91
Audrey Christiansen ’83
Ryan Chronister ’10
Philip Chrys P’12
Min Chung
Patricia All Cinelli ’61
Nicholas Ciresi
Elizabeth Cliff-Rafferty ’86
W. Clist III ’72 & Christine Richter Clist ’72
Austin Clive ’24
Patrick Close ’26
SaraBeth Clupper ’26
Lawrence Cohen ’68
Sherry Cole ’74
Heidi Collischonn ’24
Paul Conboy ’73
Christine Conley* & Davis Conley
Dorothy-Jane Goldsack Connolly ’99, P’22
Heather Conroe & Jim Conroe
Peter Conway Jr. ’99 & Jennifer Victor Conway ’99
Timothy Lacey P’27 & Christine Conwell Lacey P’27
Tobey Cook ’79
Eric Cooper & Carolyn Cooper
Paul Corbeil P’66
Lisa Eggler Corbett ’02, P’27 & Timothy Corbett P’27
Molly Corbett ’27
Zackary Corbett ’27
Nancy Palmer Cornell ’70
Travis Cos ’02
Michael Cottrell P’27 & Colleen Cottrell P’27
James Crane ’82
Nancy Critchley ’73
Elizabeth Cudmore
Brady Cummings ’24
James Cummings
Caroline Danford P’26
Daughters of the American Revolution
Maria D’Aversa ’24
Kelly Schwark Davidson ’88
Malcolm Davidson ’81 & Julianna Davidson
Brandon Davis
Stephen Day P’06 & Gail Day P’06
Bruce Dearstyne ’66
Maryanne DeBiase P’25
Elizabeth Ashton DeCamilla ’91
Danielle DeCarlo ’27
Francis Deer ’83 & Evelyn Carey Deer ’86
Daniel DeFilippi ’94
Jordan Delage ’24
Petrea Delberta
John Farrell ’82 & Elizabeth Derose ’80
Louis DeSantis III ’00
William DeVierno ’79 & Mary Dubben DeVierno ’81
Carol Dexter ’70
Amy Witherell Dickinson ’00 & Spencer Dickinson
Mary Dickover ’12
Sally Dudley Dionne ’67, P’95 & G. Dionne P’95+
Tabitha Dionne ’95
John Doelp ’76
Robin Dolan ’83
William Dole ’82
Deborah Dolinsky ’73
Diane Donlon
Jennifer Compton D’Onofrio ’90, P’22 & Harry D’Onofrio P’22
Joan Donoghue
Daniel Donohue ’57, GP’07 & Christina Donohue
Glenn Thornton P’25, P’28 & Kristine Dorer P’25, P’28
Dorothy M. & James P Keeney Charitable Gift Fund
James Douglass ’90
Elaine Downing
Frederick Doyle ’68, P’03
Nicholas Hanna ’80 & Ann Duffy
Eugene Duignan P’27 & Anne Duignan P’27
Thomas Dummer ’66 & Nancy Dummer
Lester Dunklee P’98 & Deborah Dunklee P’98
Richard Dupree Jr. ’89
Robert Dwore ’75
Donna Wein Eadie ’67
Robert Eaton ’68
Kathleen Deming Edens ’69
Ellen Wackel Edwards ’76
Roger Elam
Mary Jones Eldridge ’63
Carol Ann Dubiel Ellis ’62
Sue Ellison
Leah Bouboulis Elwood ’86, P’08, P’10 & Donald Elwood P’08, P’10
James Emmick ’69
Khadijeh Esmaeili
Evangelical Lutheran Church
Stephen Fales ’74
Kristen Falk ’99
Rosemary Fallon
Honora Fallon-Oben
Stephen Farmer ’94
John Farrell ’82 & Elizabeth Derose ’80
William Faulkner II ’96 & Amanda Faulkner
Susan Fecht ’75
Jonathan Fellows P’16 & Maureen Fellows P’16
Margaret Piser Fenlon ’70
Melissa Ferrie ’90
Deborah Fessler ’71
Brigitte Fielder ’00
Debbie Figary ’97
Scott Findholt ’74
Timothy Findlay ’11
Erica Fine & Josh Fine
Julian Finkelstein ’63
Janet Finn
Ellen Fisher ’75 & Martin Keegan
Rachel Fitoussi-Zebrowitz ’79
Katherine Fitzgerald ’78
Crispin Shakeshaft P’19 & Cynthia Floor P’19
Rebecka Flynn ’12
Michael Forster Rothbart & Amy Forster Rothbart
Leah Frankel
Gertrude Franklin
Eric Fredericks ’97+
Shaoron Freilich
Marjorie French P’85
Patricia Frezza-Gressler ’73
Benjamin Friedell & Diana Friedell
Stephen Frommer ’72 & Debra Murray Frommer ’73
Jerry Fulmer ’81
Barbara Funck P’96
James Angstadt ’08 & Charlotte Gabrielsen ’09
Nelson Gaetz ’67+
Patricia Davis Gage ’78
Gary Galo P’06 & Ellen Galo P’06
Jonathan Gambier
Peter Gandrup ’81 & Jayne Siegel Gandrup ’81
Nancy Ukpe Gargula ’05
Julie Landmann Garrison ’04
Valerie Kurth Garry ’67
Nicholas George
Rob Geyer ’74
Kevin Ghiloni ’86+
Althea Simpson Giaquinto ’71
Joseph Gibson ’09
Steven Ginter
Benjamin Glaser
Linda Drake Gobbo ’75
Jennifer Tyson Gode ’97 & Gunnar Gode
Adam Godet ’02 & Jennifer Hilfiker ’02+
William Goertemoeller & Cynthia Goertemoeller
Melanie Goldberg ’07
Noah Goldblatt
Matthew Golia ’04
Adam Gomes-Abreu ’17
Daniela Goncalves
George Goodwin P’82
Fredricka Seelig Gordon ’71
Lynn Salvato Gore ’76
Chris Grady & Stacey Viebrock Grady ’03
Kayla Grassi ’24
Val Gray ’70
Edith Clyne Greene ’71
Lawrence Greenman ’72 & Maribelle Greenman
James Pringle P’09 & Sally Griffith P’09
Patricia Distin Griffiths ’73
John Grunewalder ’68
The Guardian
Andrew Gudz ’97
Alexander Guilday ’08
Paul Habernig
Gemma Hall
Maureen McCarthy-Hall ’71 & William Hall
Xavier Lombardi P’24 & Patricia Hallahan P’24
Margaret Moller Halpin ’75
Douglas Hamilton
Janet Hamilton P’03
Jon Handwerk ’72 &Tana Spangler Handwerk ’73
Kristine Bogholtz Hanggi ’85
Lorraine Hanlon ’73
Nicholas Hanna ’80 & Ann Duffy
Diane Hannahs ’83
Susan Harple Hannan ’67
Charles Hardy P’93 & Geraldine Hardy P’93
Morris Harple Jr. ’71
Kevin Harrigan ’80
Stephen Harrigan ’68
Scott Harrington P’28
Jean Nanassy Harris ’69 & Francis Harris
Andrew Harvey ’76
Kimberly Hastings &Scott Hastings
Suzanne Francis Hastings ’64
Joann Haws P’09
Nikolas Heasley ’24
Eliesabeth Bohlen Hedman ’65
David Hedrick
George Hedrick
Logan Hehner ’26
Herbert Heintz P’88 & Marcia Heintz P’88
Matthew Hendley
Bruce Hering P’93 & Doris Hering P’93
Deborah Carter Herrmann ’91
Diane Pfriender Hettinger ’77
Ralph Walker ’73 & Jamie Hewitt
Anna Peck Hicks ’69
Hans Higgins ’27
Alan Hight P’05 & Christine Hight P’05
Karen Pezanowski Higman ’85 & Sean Higman
Aimee Hill
Patricia Hill-Zeigler ’76
Sarah Hiroshima ’26
David Hitch P’03 & Melanie Hitch P’03*
Jay Hodge ’80 & Jane McGraw Hodge ’80
Logan Hoffman ’25
Cathrine Holderer ’24
Stephanie Hollander
Edward Holman ’21
Allison Holmburg
Janet Holmes ’70
Erica Duran Holoquist ’06, P’23 & Bernard Holoquist P’23
Carolyn Graham Holt ’72
Greta Holt P’26
Daniel Holz ’98
Sally Hopfner P’89
Tony Hopke
Brian Hopkins ’83
Kevin Hopper
Amy Hornburg-Heilveil
Darly Horst-Loy ’27
Charlotte Albright Howard ’86
Henry Howard II P’06 & Suzanne Howard P’06
Lois Blank Huber ’64
Lisa Hudson ’82
Marcus Hudson ’18
Albert Hulick III P’09
Robert Hunter Jr. ’86
Katherine Talbot Hurrle ’98
Jeffrey Hurt P’27 & Janet Hurt P’27
Noah Hurt ’24
Jessica Hyde ’01
Danielle Herring Ianni ’01
IBM Corporation
Elizabeth Wood Isles ’85
J Keith Kemper & Darryl E Ward
David James ’72
Jason Jameson
John Janitz Jr.
Ellen Jaramillo ’74, P’06, P’12 & Ronald Osokow P’06, P’12
Erin Field Jeffery ’96
Gavin Jenkins ’15 & Krista Poore Jenkins ’15
Philip Jessen ’70, P’95 & Marion Mainionis Jessen ’70, P’95
Paul Jivoff ’83
Valerie Johnsey ’77
Vonda Johnson ’09
Cheryl Jones
Gerald Jones ’64
Kristin Jones
Matthew Jones ’98
Harley Judd
Tamar Jukharidze ’04
Rebecca Kachmar ’24
Barbara Kahl & Andrew Kahl
Steven Kalbach Sr. P’97, GP’26 & Gail Kalbach P’97, GP’26
Robert Kanter ’66
Priyanka Karki ’28
Irwin Katz ’53
Ellen Fisher ’75 & Martin Keegan
James Keeney P’93 & Dorothy Keeney P’93
Sheri Kelleher ’04
Douglas Kendall P’19
Amber Kerwin
Geraldine Keyes ’75
Thomas Kimizuka ’57
Elizabeth Troup Kinney ’93
Rick Kinser & Carla Kinser P’19
Andrew Klan P’27 & Heather Klan P’27
Brian Knapp
George Knotts III ’71
Carl Koch ’71 & Judith Howland Koch ’72
William Kommalan P’00 & Deborah Kommalan P’00
Avrom Kopelman ’68
Edward Koury ’57
Julianna Kovacs ’24
Margaret Kramer
Ann Smallbone Krauss ’71
Katharine Kreisher
Kristopher Kremsner ’22
Peter Kryworuczko ’73
Janice Hansen Kulibaba ’97
Deborah Reisberg Kumar ’76 & Vijay Kumar
Timothy Lacey P’27 & Christine Conwell Lacey P’27
Tyler LaDue ’26
Michael Lambiaso Jr. & Joan Lambiaso
Dawn Lamond
Jim Landi
Linda Landstrom ’76
Laura Lane ’67, P’03
Jeanne Gallt Lang ’54
Emily Lapayowker ’08
Christopher Laut Jr. P’87 & Mrs. Laut P’87
W. Laut III ’87 & Joanne Tabussi Laut ’85
Daymyen Layne ’04
Stephen Leak P’10 & Pamela Wolsiefer-Leak P’10
Charles LeDone P’18 & Gina LeDone P’18
Joseph Lentini Jr. ’91 & Melanie Lentini
John Leonhardt ’74 & Penny Leonhardt
David Lewis II ’85
Howard Lichtman
Julie Lieberman P’26
Maya Lieberman-Bachman ’26
Maureen Liljenquist ’71
Marcia Limberg ’67
William Lindberg ’73 & Judith Kroon Lindberg ’73
Judy Cole Lindenmeyer ’94
Thomas Littner ’79
Douglas Sofer ’91 & Nancy Locklin-Sofer ’91
Xavier Lombardi P’24 & Patricia Hallahan P’24
Lee Long
Pamela Longenbach ’76
Dieter Lucas
John Lucas P’10 & Hope Lucas P’10
Meghan Luce ’14
Susan Lundstrom ’79
Weian Wang & Li Luo
Christopher Lynett P’27 & Laura Lynett P’27
Robert Lyons Jr. ’13
Sarah MacDonald ’01 & Sean Browne
Joan Scovill Mack ’68
Louise Mack
Richard Mahlstedt ’65 & Suzanne Mahlstedt
John Mahn ’23
Jim Mahony ’24
Eric Malanoski
Janet Mallette
Patricia Manocchi
Robert Mansbach P’82 & Maryalice Mansbach P’82
Nancy Walton Marikar ’72
Elizabeth Lennox Mark ’82
David Marshall ’83
Robert Marshall ’70
Lydia Marteney ’21
Susan Marteney ’79, P’21
William Marvin ’77
Mason Funeral Home
Patricia Massenburg P’08
Camille Matise
Austin Matlack-Grey ’24
Ramel Matthews
Mark Mattice ’04
Susan Jacobson Mattson ’74
Connor Mawn ’24
Douglas Mayer & Susan Mayer+
Jane Mazzarella ’87
Maureen McCarthy-Hall ’71 & William Hall
William McClintick Jr. ’79
Abigail McClure
Ruth Sharpe ’73 & George McCormick+
Michael McCormick ’75 & Susan McCormick
Bruce McCubrey & Dale Maclean McCubrey ’70
Geoffrey McDonald ’08+
Scott McDonald P’08 & Denise Wright-McDonald P’08
Erin McGrath Tribble ’00
Alma McInerney P’92, GP’17
Zachary McKenney
Kerry McLaughlin
Nancy Yeager McLean ’80 and Scott McLean
Nancy George McNabb ’69
Bonny Buschynski McTaggart ’63
Kevin Meade ’97
Katharine Mears P’09
Claire Meissner ’75
John Merron ’25
Anna Meyer
Carolyn Reeck Meyer ’67
Microsoft Corporation
John Mileski ’73* & Roberta Mileski*
Jayne Bolt Miller ’12
Karen Freeman Miller ’73
Eliza Mohlie ’10
Brian Moore P’10 & Chelle Moore P’10
Evelyn Milne Moore ’83
Christopher Morrow ’66
Jane Moyer ’71
Karyn Moyer ’99
Melissa Mueller-Douglas ’09
Carole Muller ’61
John Munk ’81 & Sandra Munk
The Munson Group, Inc.
Martha Murphy ’92, P’93 & Dennis Murphy P’93
Kyle Murray ’15
V. Murray ’66
Matipa Mutoti ’20
Susan Benzer Myers ’78
Terri Priest Nash ’70
Susan Navarette
Grace Nealon ’15
Allison Neelands ’27
Dale Siegel Nemer ’73, P’06 & Jonathan Nemer P’06
James Nemeth P’97 & Kathleen Nemeth P’97
Ellianna Nesbitt ’24
Stewart Neuber ’78 & Diane Bianchine Neuber ’78
Holly Neugebauer ’27
Denise Newvine
Traci Stegman Nichols ’96
Jennifer Nichols-Stewart
Marilyn Nienart ’87, P’94 & Lawrence Nienart P’94
Dylan Nord ’11
Nelson North ’67 & Margaret Weiss North ’67
Robert O’Connor ’64, P’93
Jeffrey Oldfield P’05 & Irene Oldfield P’05+
David Olson ’92
Michael Onorata ’01
John Ostheimer Jr. P’84 & Joan Ostheimer P’84
Ireayooluwa Otoki P’26
Dorothy Jones Owen ’61
Steven Paille ’05 & Elizabeth Arnett Paille ’06
Panera LLC
Donna Pashley
Theresa Pasley
Patricia Puglisi Patterson ’69
Wanda Laughing Patterson ’79 & Robert Patterson
Robert Pavelka ’82
Sharon Decker Peck ’79
Joseph Pellegrino Jr. ’13
Dale Pensgen ’72+
Valerie Hallenbeck Perrins ’67
Michele DeRossi Perry ’98 & Brandon Perry
Scott Peterson ’02
Lynda Wrolsen Pfleegor ’64
Andrew Phillips ’08
G. Phillips II ’76
Jeanne Phillips ’72+
Jennifer Murphy Picardo ’10
Jennifer Picardo
Andrew Piefer P’23, P’28 & Robin Piefer P’23, P’28
Courtney Pierce ’25
Nancy Pisani ’88 & Allen Pisani
Lilyanna Pledger
Grace-Ann Porpeglia ’22
Paul Puglia & Dale Puglia
Jacqueline Purdy ’66
Tyrel Pyle-Smith ’03
Gerald Pyser ’67
Christopher Raimy ’87, P’17 &Amy Williams Raimy ’87, P’17
Allison Ray
Kjellander McDermott Ray ’98
Raymond James Charitable
Michael Reagan ’88
Carol Wrolsen Rechtoris ’71
Brian Redder ’15
Louis Rehr Jr. ’67
John Reichel ’26
Ronald Rivard ’76
Stefanie Rocknak
Dawn Rogers-Kroll
Joel Roman
Samuel Roods ’09
David Roppel ’69*
Robert Roseboom ’62
Rachel Rosenburg
Stephen Rossetter ’76
Elisabeth-Ann Rooney Rossi ’68
Kathryn Rothermel P’92
Dolores Rothwell
Jane Beebe Rowehl ’81
Aryn Rowsam
Richard Rubenfeld
Richard Ruef
Donna Ruffner ’81+
Christopher Russ ’84
Whit Russell ’08
Brian Russo P’27 & Sheila Russo P’27
Alan Ruthig ’66
Richard Safran P’19 & Erika Safran P’19
Barbara Westburg Sager ’69, P’05
David Salvucci ’79
Rollin Sanders P’13 & Virginia Sanders P’13
Lara Sanford
Matthew Sanford
Nina Savasta ’17
Christine Scano ’05
Erica Schabert P’26
Francine Schept ’76
Anita Schmidt ’82
Kelly Schmiedeler
Margaret Klett Schramm ’67
Cynthia Schulte ’72 & Thomas Schulte
David Schultz ’70+
Harvey Schwartzman P’13 & Kristin Schwartzman P’13
Katherine Seeley ’14, P’26 & Karl Seeley P’26
Emmy Sema ’25
Ryan Senn ’00
Richard Serpentini ’72
James Seward ’73, H’99*
Charles Shagg Jr. P’95 & Linda Shagg P’95
Dale Mento Sheehy ’83
Meghan Sheehy
Charles Sheffield &Joanne Sheffield
John Sheridan ’99 & Brianne Sheridan
Susan Sherk ’66
Gary Shockey ’81
Carol Silverberg
Paulette Peters Simpson ’78 and Carter B. Simpson
Sylvia Skinner-DeFrancisco ’65
Karleen Schwarzmann Smat ’88
John Smith ’65
Kim Smith
Mark Smith ’13
Rebecca Smith ’83
Shannon Smith ’93
Stephen Smith P’97 & Sharlene Smith P’97
Trevaughn Smith ’21
Diane Balstraz Snyder ’67
Douglas Sofer ’91 & Nancy Locklin-Sofer ’91
Sarah Somerville ’77
Gladys Peardon Sommerville ’69
Kevin Sousa & Tammy Sousa
Stella Spanakos ’78
Susan Spinelli ’72
William Springstead ’88+
James Stam
Pauline Stamp P’20
Douglas Stanton ’89 & Haruko Stanton
Henrietta Stauffer
Lillie Stephens
H. Grayson Stevens II ’72
Matthew Stever & Dawn Stever
David Stewart ’69
Stiller Family
Susan Brunoli Stiller ’75
Susan Stobo ’73
Pamela Lehman Stocking ’74
Peter Stone ’74
Peter Storch ’73
Stacy Stringer P’24 & Amy Stringer P’24
Richard Struck ’71
Elizabeth Sullivan
Claudia Ernest Swain ’79 & Peter Swain
Janet Schoonmaker Swan ’56
Jonathan Swart ’98
Kara Swartwood ’24
Cynthia Swatko
Alexander Sweger
Lori Grieb Sych ’85 & Richard Sych
Jason Tabor ’95
Takeda Pharmaceuticals
Janet Tanner
Ann Parshall Tarburton ’92
Debra Taubner ’90
Walter Terry III & Diane Terry
Robert Thomas Jr. P’09 & Katherine Thomas P’09
Laura Thomas ’79
Daryl Thompson ’06
Joan Thompson ’86
TIAA Charitable Inc.
Faith Critti Tiemann ’05 & Joseph Tiemann
Tara Tilley ’22
Ann Timmons ’79
Nicholas Tirrell ’24
Bert Tobiason
Debra Goldstein Todd ’90
Aaron Tolbert
Kimberley Jenkins Tracy ’85
Parker Troischt
Anthony Turi P’17 & Barbara Turi P’17
Bernadette Ucci ’97
UKOGF UK Online Giving Foundation
Luke Urtz ’01
Steven Vaccarelli ’88, P’25 & Diane Vassallo Vaccarelli ’88, P’25
Mary Beth Fowler Vail ’70
Julie van Steenwyk ’88
Cynthia van Zelm ’86
Robert VanArsdell P’93 & Joanne VanArsdell P’93
Timothy Vatovec ’03
Danielle Vaughan
Gary VelleKamp ’73
Eric von Brockdorff
Jeffrey Waffle P’27 & Julene Scinta Waffle ’96, P’27
Stephen Wallingford ’74
Enid Wasacz P’05, P’17
David Watson ’63 & Sandra Watson
Rosalie J Webb
Gary Wehner & Lisa Wehner
Emily Weisenbach ’03
Peggy West ’76
Abigail Wetsel ’26
Julie Ward Wexler ’71 & Joel Wexler
Holly Hoffay Whitman ’98
Joanne Williams ’77
Caroline Wilson
Regina Riley Wilson ’62
Stanley Wilson-Orzechowski & Emily Wilson-Orzechowski
J Wisnewski
Lois Otterbein Wolcott ’63 & Fred Wolcott
Cynthia Mooney Wood ’73
Kevin Wood ’23
Kevin Wood P’23 & Francine Wood P’23
Mitchell Woodbeck
Danna Wright
Sharhea Wright-Havens ’23
James Wyzykowski
Kristin Panzella Yager ’97
Joanne Dittes Yepsen ’80
Steven Young ’76
Kali Hundertmark Zahn ’90, P’28 & Yuri Zahn P’28
Michael & Patricia Zarro
Sharon Silva Zavadil ’65 & Martin Zavadil
Weiwei Zhang
Amy Zick ’90
Eileen Duddy Zimmerman ’84
Zoetis Inc.
Douglas Zullo

Members of the Hartwick family who left us in fiscal year 24. We mourn the loss.

MaryAnn E. Arnold
Dorathy A. Bacheller ’55
John H. Battistoni ’57
Paul R. Bodurtha
Rosemary Brown
Roger A. Budd ’64
Marie E. Burnet ’55
William P. Child ’75
Eugene T. Connolly
Robert E. Cross ’59
Karin S. Damtoft ’73
Peggy M. Darnell ’72
Richard E. Davidson, Esq. ’72
William C. Desmarais ’98
George J. DiRaimondo ’56
Alfred E. Duncker
Scott E. Engstrom ’79
Mary Ann Ferree ’77
Lynn M. Finch ’57
Colmin J. Gajadar
Cora Galster ’56
Mark D. Gobel ’77
Burel Gomillion ’91
Jaisha Ericka Renee Gooden ’26
Stanley E. Hall
Robert W. Hanley ’72
Carol A. Hawkes
Gloria G. Hendricks
Eleanor B. Hickein ’55
Richard C. Insinga
The Rev. Henry K. Johnson ’60
Evelyn H Keehn ’46
William R. Kodrich ’55
Elva S. LaBonte ’56
David J. Linnan ’61
William H. Lister
David A. Lord ’67
Betty J. MacDonald
Anthony D. Merante ’65
The Rev. Howard L. Milkman, Jr. ’63
Anne Brophy O’Grady ’80
Douglas B. Odell ’68
Andrew F. Parisi ’11
Kathleen I. Parsons ’99
Mia P. Polanchik ’76
Dianne L. Potter
Kristin A. Proper ’64
Sumner Richman ’51
Eduardo M. Rodriguez ’68
Elizabeth G. Rogers ’39
Ann S. Root ’76
The Rev. David J. Roppel ’69
Douglas Ross
Christine M. Sawamura ’90
Karl E. Schroeder ’63
Michael J. Scricca ’73
Tim W. Shackelton ’74
Barbara B. Slumsky ’69
Michelle M. Stangle ’89
Bruce L. Stevens ’75
Laura C. Stokes ’82
Jane E. Sullivan ’70
Susanne P. Swihura-Adsit ’84
Frances P. Sykes
Sue Taylor
Sharon E. Terry
Ken Utecht
Nancy R. Vogelsang ’67
Pamela A. Wells ’85
Edith J. Wilson ’54

Hartwick’s Division of Institutional Advancement strives to build relationships and create networks to honor Hartwick’s legacy, celebrate its success and secure its future.

Our Philanthropy Team

We have made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the records. If you feel we have made a mistake, please contact [email protected].