Perrella Wellness Center
At Perrella Wellness Center, our mission is to help you understand and maintain your optimum physical, emotional, intellectual, and social well-being. We practice preventative healthcare, manage acute and chronic illness, and assist students in becoming educated healthcare consumers.
Quick Links
Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Call 607-431-4120 to schedule an appointment.
Medical providers see students by appointment Monday through Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Appointments are required. Scheduling an appointment reduces waiting time and enables the medical staff to see patients more efficiently. Those with urgent needs should call the health center and will be triaged to care appropriate to their needs.
In the event that a medical provider is not available for a same day appointment, students will be offered the first available appointment. Those desiring or in need of immediate care may be directed to local area health services.
Individuals who feel they need “emergency care” should call 911 to request an ambulance and/or contact campus safety at 607-431-4111.
PyraMED - Your Personal Health Hub
Schedule appointments Access your health record Confidential messaging with our healthcare team Complete Required New Student Health Documents Complete Returning Student Athletic Health Documents Complete Returning Nursing Health Documents
LogInHealth Insurance
All full-time students are required to have health insurance. Hartwick offers insurance to students at additional cost through a student health insurance plan. Additional information on the student health insurance plan is available on the Student Accounts Web Page.
Office of Student AccountsHealth Policy
The Perrella Wellness Center does not provide written excuses or notes to students for classes missed due to appointments at the Health Center or for short-term illnesses/injuries. It is the student’s responsibility to communicate directly with their professors regarding classes missed and completion of assignments.
A Perrella Wellness Center medical provider may, as part of their clinical management, recommend deferment of the student’s participation in certain activities and other appropriate measures for health reasons. In these circumstances a notice will be written at the discretion of the medical provider. The
Perrella Wellness Center will, with student authorization, verify an illness or injury to a faculty member if the faculty member wishes to call. For confidentiality purposes the nature of the illness or injury will not be disclosed.
The pre-entrance Certificate of Medical Examination forms are used to document immunizations and the student’s current and past medical history. All required immunizations per New York State Public Health Law Section 2165(7) must be documented on the form for entry to a post-secondary institution.
The law states that no institution shall permit any student to attend such institution in excess of thirty days without complying. However, such thirty-day period may be extended to not more than forty-five days for a student where such student is from out-of-state or from another country and can show a good faith effort to comply with the law. Students who cannot receive their immunizations before arriving on campus can receive their immunizations at the Perrella Wellness Center for a charge.
New York State Public Health Law #2165 requires all full-time and part-time (enrolled for at least six credit hours per semester or four credit hours per quarter) students born on or after January 1, 1957 attending a college or university in New York State provide documentation of immunity to measles, mumps, and rubella before they can attend college in New York State. Persons born before January 1, 1957 will be exempt from this requirement.
As of: July, 2023
Incoming Student Certificate of Medical Examination & Immunization Forms
Forms are DUE July 15 (January 2 for Spring Term Admissions).
Use your Hartwick username and password to log in to this portal. All forms must be downloaded, completed and then uploaded to the PyraMed Portal.
All incoming (new and transfer) students are required to have a complete immunization record and a physical examination within the 12 months prior to their arrival on the Hartwick College campus.
Student athletes: Date of physical must be within 6 months of your first participation at Hartwick.
Intercollegiate Athletes must update their history and physical form every 12 months to maintain eligibility.
The NCAA requires that a copy of the lab result from a Sickle Cell Solubility Test be on file for every athlete.
The Certificate of Medical Examination forms must be completed and returned to Perrella Wellness Center prior to arriving on campus.
All required health documents must be completed and uploaded via the PyraMed health portal prior to the student’s arrival on campus. Failure to have all documents completed may result in delays with access to the residence halls and/or risk for loss of enrollment in classes.
Those planning to major in nursing or participate on an NCAA athletic team should pay close attention to specific requirements as they appear on the required health documents.
Nursing Majors must update their physical examination form and tuberculosis skin testing every 12 months. While a copy of your provider’s physical that includes all of the data on this form will be accepted, a copy of the Nursing Major Annual Physical Exam Form signed by the student must be attached to it.
Download forms available below, complete, and upload to PyraMed Portal.
New/Transfer StudentForms
Download NowReturning Athlete PhysicalForm
Download NowReturning Nursing Physical and TB Data Form
Download NowRelease MedicalInformation
New York State Public Health Law (NYS PHL) §2167 requires institutions, including colleges and universities, to distribute information about meningococcal disease and vaccine to all students meeting the enrollment criteria, whether they live on or off campus.
You may download the documents below for more information about the bacteria that causes meningitis, the symptoms of the disease, and how to prevent it.
New York State Public Health Law requires that all college and university students enrolled for at least six (6) semester hours or the equivalent per semester, or at least four (4) semester hours per quarter, complete and return the Meningococcal Vaccine Response Form.
Allergy Information
Student who wish to receive allergy injections at the Perrella Wellness Center must complete the Student Allergy Injection Information and Consent Form. The form must be submitted and on record in the Perrella Center in order for treatment to be provided by College Perrella Center staff.
Consent FormPerrella Wellness Center
Fax: 607-431-4124
[email protected]