Writing Center
In support of Hartwick College’s purpose of equipping students to “communicate effectively,” the Writing Center’s mission is to help members of this community grow as writers.
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Our trained and pre-professional writing consultants offer free one-on-one writing assistance with any stage of writing, including brainstorming, outlining, drafting, and revising. Hartwick’s writing consultants are trained to provide writing support and feedback across disciplines rather than in one single, specific field. Overlooking the Susquehanna Valley and the foothills of the Catskills, the Writing Center is an ideal space—quiet, comfortable—in which to practice writing.
Writing Center Consultations
The Writing Center offers in-person, Zoom and email consultations. We are happy to help you with any stage of the writing process—from brainstorming to outlining to revising and more.
To sign up for an in-person or Zoom consultation, please sign up for an appointment through Navigate. Once on Navigate, click “Make an Appointment.” Then, under “What type of appointment would you like to schedule?,” select “Academic & Administrative Support.” Then, under "What would you like to meet about?," select a Writing Center Appointment. You’ll then find a variety of appointment types and times available. At your appointment time, either stop by the Writing Center in Clark 230 or go to our virtual Writing Center.
For asynchronous email consultations, please email your essay and the assignment sheet to [email protected]. In your email, please identify your major concerns and what you’d like our consultants to focus on. Within 24 hours (during business days), we will return your writing along with a writing feedback form. Please note: We will not edit essays, but we will help identify areas of concern to help you revise your work.
For Faculty & Staff
To promote a core Hartwick College value—the fostering of “collaborative relationships among faculty, students, and staff”—the Writing Center partners with faculty and staff from all disciplines and departments. One of our consultants can visit your class to lead a presentation on writing strategies—for example, pre-writing strategies; generating a first draft; editing and proofing—or to give an overview of the services at the Writing Center. We would be happy to work with you to design a workshop to meet your specific needs. Recently, we have offered workshops on citation and academic integrity, APA formatting, brainstorming, and artist statement revisions.
Through the semester, the Writing Center will host faculty-centered workshops to support writing instruction and assessment across disciplines. If you would like to request a workshop, propose a specific topic to be addressed in a workshop, or would like to co-host please contact us.
Meet Our Consultants
Students can make 30-minute or one-hour appointments at Navigate.
Aliyah Brooks ’25
Lauryn Bigwarfe ’27
Lauren Carey ’25
Rheyd Dinsmore ’25
Brynn Illies ’25
Kezia Namakula ’25
Maddy Smith ’25
Sophia Telvi ’27
Kirsten VanOrden ’26
Clark Hall 230
Monday – Friday: 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
[email protected]