Academic Accommodations

Students are not obligated to self-disclose a disability. However, self-disclosure is required when the student anticipates a need for adjustments, modifications, or services relating to the disability. Submission of the Voluntary Disclosure of a Disability Form initiates the process.

Voluntary Disclosure Form

Procedure for Requesting Services

  1. Submit the Voluntary Disclosure of a Disability Online Form.
  2. Upload to the Voluntary Disclosure form, email [email protected], or mail the required documentation based on the type of disability to AccessAbility Services, Hartwick College, One Hartwick Drive, Oneonta, NY 13820.
  3. Allow appropriate time frame for documentation review. It may be necessary to seek further information from the student and/or the diagnostic evaluator.
  4. Schedule a one on one meeting with a staff member from AccessAbility Services. During this meeting, specific guidelines, policies, and procedures regarding AccessAbility Services will be discussed.

If a student chooses not to self-disclose a disability, the student cannot receive formal services.


Your Documentation Should…

  • be current; older documentation up to five years old may be considered at the discretion of AccessAbility Services Staff;
  • clearly state the diagnosed disability;
  • describe the functional limitations resulting from the disability;
  • include complete educational, developmental, and medical history relevant to the disability;
  • include a list of all test instruments used in the evaluation report and relevant subtest scores used to document the stated disability;
  • describe the specific academic adjustments requested and why they are needed;
  • state why the disability qualifies the applicant for the academic adjustments requested; and
  • be signed by an evaluator qualified to make the diagnosis and recommendations.

The neuropsychological or psycho-educational evaluation for the diagnosis of a specific learning disability must provide clear and specific evidence that a learning disability does or does not exist. Assessment, and any resulting diagnosis, should consist of and be based on a comprehensive assessment battery that does not rely on any one test or subtest. Therefore, we prefer assessments that provide information about the student’s aptitude, academic achievement, and information processing.

– Evidence of childhood history of inattention, hyperactivity, impulsivity, underachievement, or behavioral problems
– Interview that includes a self-report as well as information gathered from family, school or prior psychoeducational evaluation
– Assessment instruments sensitive to ADHD issues
– Specific diagnosis based on DSM-V Criteria
– Discussion of current impact of ADHD in an educational setting
– Current treatment and medication prescribed

– Clinical interview/summary that supports the presence of functional limitations and rationale for requested accommodation
– Appropriate Rating Scales
– Neuropsychological and psychoeducational testing

Students requesting services based on a mental health impairment are strongly encouraged to meet with one of the counselors in the College’s Counseling Center upon arrival on campus to obtain additional support throughout the semester.

Documentation should provide a discussion of an individual’s current disability status and functional limitations.

Evaluation and diagnosis should support the recommended adjustment and/or services.

Reasonable Adjustments

Reasonable adjustments may include, but are not limited to, the following:

1. Students must receive this service on their Academic Plan prior to requesting;
2. All students must schedule tests 1-2 days prior to a scheduled exam;
3. Students must submit an email to [email protected] and copy their professor regarding the date and time they plan to take a test;
4. Instructors must clearly communicate how they will deliver exams to the Student Success Center: electronically to [email protected] or hand delivered to the Student Success Center;
5. Faculty are strongly encouraged to pick up completed exams at the Student Success Center or clearly specify in an email the best option for delivery of a completed exam: by student or interoffice mail.


Testing Procedure & Policy


AccessAbilty Services provides note-taking services for students who have a qualifying disability.

Eligible students may request a note-taker for any or all of their classes each term. Note-takers are qualified peer students who provide supplemental class notes. Students who serve as note-takers may either be hired as Work-Study or receive Volunteer Hours for their service. Note-takers must sign a confidentiality form prior to assuming the position.
In order to request a note-taker for their courses, students must follow the procedures below.

Note-Taker Services Procedures
1. Students must receive this service on their Academic Plan prior to requesting.
2. Students must complete the online Note-taker Request Form.
3. Once note-takers are hired, notes will be available through a Google folder shared with the student.

This service is not to be used as a substitute for attending class.

We highly encourage students to make their note-taker request as early as possible. The process for finding suitable note-takers for a course can be time consuming. Any questions regarding note-taker services can be directed to [email protected].

In addition, students may utilize assistive technology in place of note-takers, depending on the nature of their disability. Students interested in learning more about assistive technology should make an appointment for an orientation by contacting [email protected].

Note-taker Request Form

Student who have a qualifying disability may request copies of their textbooks in alternate formats. In order to request texts in alternate formats, follow the procedures below.

Alternate Format Procedures
1. Students must receive this service on their Academic Plan prior to requesting texts.
2. Students must complete the online Alternate Format Request Form.
3. Students must send proof of purchase of texts (e.g., receipts) to [email protected] in order for their request to be processed.
4. AccessAbility Services notifies a student when text is available.

We strongly encourage students to make their alternate format request as early as possible (at least a month in advance) to receive texts in a timely fashion. The process for acquiring alternate format texts can be time consuming. Requests can take a few weeks, depending on the source of the text. Texts will not be requested on your behalf unless you submit the form and proof of purchase. Documentation of a student’s print disability only needs to be supplied once.

Alternate Format Request Form

Contact AccessAbility Services, [email protected], regarding: physical accessibility arrangements, sign language interpretation; and course substitutions.


Student Success Center
[email protected]