Skull and bones being studies in Forensics Criminal Justice lab

welcome to hartwick forensic science

Forensic science is more than blood spatter analysis and crime scenes. At Hartwick, your Forensic Science minor will give you the practical techniques, theoretical approach and the analytical skills to apply your knowledge to a variety of careers.

Many Career Paths

As a forensic science minor, you’ll develop the mindset to tell the story evidence presents, opening yourself up to careers in not just law enforcement, but mortuary science, crime scene investigations, and forensic anthropology.

Core coursework in forensics, statistics and criminal justice will form the foundation of your education, while cross-collaborations with anthropology, psychology and a variety of sciences – including lab components – will allow you to specialize in your area of interest.

Pair your forensic science minor with a degree in criminal justice to get a more full understanding of what goes into investigations. Your coursework will give you the building blocks to continue your education in graduate school, the police academy or other training programs.


Your coursework will be bolstered with guest speakers across various aspects of forensic science careers. Partnerships with local law enforcement and criminal justice agencies will give you an insider look at the job, while your Career Mentor can help you get the real-world work experience to test-drive the workplace.

You can even join the Sociology and Criminal Justice clubs for movie nights and speakers.

Cheryl Johnson

"My students get to participate in a multi-day hands-on final in the forensics class to give them practice in what it really takes to do their job. They work with their teams to collect evidence and analyze the scene and then come back during the final exam time to present their findings in a more professional setting. As CSIs, they might be called upon to present their findings in a courtroom setting, so it's a crucial component to help them if they choose to go into the field. The more exposure and hands-on experience I can give them, the better prepared they can be."

Dr. Cheryl Johnson

Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice


Get into the labs to test out what you learn in your coursework, or help the investigations class solve the case in a multi-day “crime scene” scenario, where you’ll take pictures and measurements, and then present your findings to the class.

Your Faculty Mentor will help you develop your passion, while your Alumni Mentor will share their career knowledge and professional experience to help prepare you for your career.


Ryan Ceresola

Associate Professor of Sociology and Department Chair

Cheryl Johnson

Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice

Let’s Get Started!