Institute of Public Service
The Hartwick College Institute of Public Service is dedicated to strengthening democracy across the region by serving as a hub of collaboration and innovation between state and local government, and through civic engagement and legal studies.
Next Generation of Public Servants
A nonprofit, nonpartisan, regional political community, the institute seeks to educate the next generation of public servants and inspire legal professionals and government officials to meaningfully engage in our democracy through three supporting areas: Local and State Government, Civic Engagement, and Legal Education.
Hartwick College Trustee Larry Miller '73 announced a quarter million dollar matching gift to the Institute of Public Service. He believes gifts to the Institute leave a lasting legacy of a stronger democracy and a more resilient country. As a result, when you support our work your gift will be doubled.
Leslie G. Rude Memorial Lecture
“Public Service in New York”
New York’s Lt. Governor Antonio Delgado spoke about his work inspiring and supporting a new generation of public servants in NY.
Tuesday, March 11
5-6 p.m.
Anderson Theatre, Anderson Center for the Arts