DEIB Committee Charged With Making Hartwick Inclusive

Making Hartwick more inclusive isn’t just a job for the Office of Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging.

It’s a job for everyone.

Hartwick College Alicia Richardson College Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging (DEIB) Officer

“The only way to have true movement is to move together. It has to be campus-wide.”

Alicia Richardson

Diversity, Inclusion, Equity and Belonging Officer

To this end, former President Darren Reisberg created the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging Committee (DEIBC), and charged it with developing DEIB terminology, promoting inclusive pedagogical practices, making recommendations that support the elimination of hiring barriers and recruiting employees with diverse backgrounds, and developing training for both the campus community and external partners.

The committee was also tasked with providing the president with an annual report detailing recommendations for incorporating these practices.

“Darren’s goal was to prioritize inclusion on campus and create a unified conversation around DEIB,” said Richardson. “These weren’t just one-off ideas. These were strategic and thoughtful plans to develop goals and move the campus forward.”

In addition to Richardson, the committee is co-chaired by Tessa Yang, assistant professor of English.

Members include:

  • Cary Dresher, dean of students
  • Clara Barnhart, director of the Student Success Center
  • Aaron Tolbert, assistant vice president of academic affairs
  • Biama Charles, deputy DEIB Officer
  • Mike Arno, Title IX coordinator & college compliance officer
  • Suzanne Janitz, vice president for human resources and compliance
  • Mary Allen, professor of biology
  • Nora Fallon-Oben, head women’s lacrosse coach
  • Stephanie Hollander, associate director of career development
  • Michael Branch, assistant professor of criminal justice/sociology
  • Noah Hurt ’24, Student Government Association president, and criminal justice and political science student
  • Sharhea Wright-Havens ’23, peer career advisor
  • Libby Cudmore, staff writer

With committee working groups focused on the campus environment, teaching and learning, and community and partnerships, members of each group will develop goals in their specific areas.

According to Richardson, a full plan will be brought before the committee for review and shared with the campus community for feedback in the spring. A final draft will be presented to Interim President James Mullen and the Hartwick College Board of Trustees for review.

“One of the aims of this committee is to have a cohesive approach to DEIB at Hartwick,” said Yang. “We’ve had individual initiatives in pockets – admissions, athletics, the classroom – but this committee allows us to bring together a big picture view on an institutional level.”

January 3, 2024
Campaign, DEIB, What's New

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