Hartwick Landscape

Hartwick College Policies

Our policies are intended to support the College's mission, enhance operational excellence, communicate community expectations and support compliance.

Hartwick College Policy Repository

This site allows users to view Hartwick College’s institutional policies only. If there is an institutional policy that you are unable to locate or if you have general questions about policies or how to proceed with a policy revision, please contact the College Compliance Officer at 607-431-4293 or [email protected].

Key things you need to know about this page:

  • An institutional policy is defined as any policy that has broad application or impact throughout the College. Typically, these policies have direct financial or operational influence, have budgetary impact, ensure compliance with applicable laws or ethical norms, and/or mandate or constrain actions. Institutional policies can apply to some or all members of the College community.
  • Departmental policies or procedures (such as policies that are narrow in focus, do not have impact across the entire campus, or are office procedures) will continue to be located and maintained in their current locations.
  • This page is continuously being updated with new and revised policies. This page contains current policies. Therefore, please begin your search for policies on this page.
  • We are in the process of deactivating web pages with institutional policy content. As such, policies may (for a short period of time) be duplicated on College webpages. As detailed above, please consult the policies page for the current College policy.
  • If you cannot locate a policy on this page, please consider searching for the policy on the responsible office’s web page or contact the College Compliance Officer. It may be that the policy you are looking for is a departmental policy and not an institutional policy.



A-Level and As Level Exam Policy

This policy applies to students.

Academic Integrity Policy

This policy applies to students, as well as, faculty and staff responsible for academic integrity adjudication.

Academic Residency Requirement Policy

This policy applies to students.

Academic Scholarships Policy

This policy applies to eligible first year and transfer students.

Academic Standards of Progress Policy

This policy applies to all students.

Account Disposition for Employees and Students Policy

This policy applies to faculty, staff, and students upon leaving employment or enrollment at Hartwick College.

Account Hold Policy

This policy applies to students.

Accounts Payable Policy

This policy is applicable to any student, faculty, or staff member making purchases or requesting payment for goods and services rendered for official College business.

Adding and Dropping Courses

This policy applies to students.

Admissions Policy

This policy applies to prospective students.

Advanced Placement Credit

This policy applies to faculty and students.

Advertisements, Marketing and Publicity Policy

This policies applies to students, faculty, staff and visitors.

Airborne Infectious Disease Exposure Prevention Plan Policy

This policy applies to all employees regardless of employment type.

Assignment of Credit Hours Policy

This policy applies to students and faculty.

Athletic Eligibility Policy

This policy applies to students.

Attendance and Punctuality

This policy applies to all employees regardless of employment type.

Auditing a Course

This policy applies to students.

Catalog Year Changes in Policy

This policy applies to students.

Change of Grade Policy

This policy applies to students.

Change of Legal Name, Home Address or Phone Number Policy

This policy applies to students.

Charitable Fundraising & Solicitation Policies

This policy applies to all Hartwick College faculty, staff, students, and visitors.

Children in the Workplace Policy

This policy applies to all employees regardless of employment type.

Class Absences Policy

This policy applies to all students.

Classification of Students Policy

This policy applies to all students.

Code of Community Standards

This policy applies to students.

College Honors Policy

This policy applies to all students.

College Level Examination Program (CLEP) Policy

This policy applies to all students.

College Vehicles Policy

This policy applies to all employees regardless of employment type.

Commencement Participation Policy

This policy applies to students.

Course Cancellation Policy

This policy applies to faculty, students and staff.

Course Load Policy

This policy applies to all students.

Course Overload Policy

This policy applies to all students enrolled at Hartwick College.

Course Withdrawal Policy

This policy applies to students.

Credit for College Courses Policy

This policy applies to students.

Credit for Prior Experiential Learning Policy

This policy applies to students.

Dean’s List Policy

This policy applies to students.

Deletion of Courses from Final Grade Point Average Policy

This policy applies to eligible students.

Departmental Distinction Policy

This policy applies to students.

Discrimination and Harassment Policy

This policy applies to students; employees; contractors, subcontractors, vendors, or other third parties; and visitors or guests of the College.

Disruptive Classroom Behavior Policy

This policy applies to all students and faculty members.

Drug Free Workplace Policy

This policy applies to all employees regardless of employment type.

Employee Alcohol Policy

This policy applies to all employees, regardless of employment type.

Employment of Relatives Policy

This policy applies to all employees regardless of employment type

Equal Employment Opportunity Policy

This policy applies to all current and prospective employees.

Expression of Sympathy Policy

This policy applies to employees, alumni, donors and friends of Hartwick College.

Extreme Weather Conditions Policy

This policy applies to all faculty, students, staff, visitors, and third party contractors.

Faculty Course Scheduling Policy

This policy applies to faculty and staff.

Final Grade Reports Policy

This policy applies to students.

Firearms, Ammunition, Fireworks, and Chemicals Policy

This policy applies to all employees (regardless of employment type) students and visitors.

Full- and Part- Time Student Status Policy

This policy applies to students.

Gifts, Loans & Favors Policy

This policy applies to all faculty and staff.

Grades Policy

This policy applies to students and faculty.

Graduate 4+1 Programs Policy

This policy applies to students.

Graduate Readmission Policy

This policy applies to students.

Graduate Withdrawal Policy

This policy applies to students.

Hartwick College Archives Collection Policy

This policy applies to alumni, donors, faculty staff, and friends of Hartwick.

Hartwick College Institutional Policy Adoption & Revision Policy

This policy applies to all employees regardless of employment type.

Hartwick College Name or Logo Policy

This policy applies to faculty, staff, students, and friends of Hartwick College.

Hartwick College Privacy Notice (GDPR Compliance / Privacy Policy)

This policy applies to all employees, students, alumni, applicants, and other friends of Hartwick College.

Hartwick College Tobacco-, Vape- and Smoke-Free Policy

This policy applies to all students, faculty, staff, and other persons on campus, regardless of the purpose of the visit.

High School Transcript Policy

This policy applies to incoming students.

Indemnification Policy

This policy applies to all faculty and staff.

Independent and Directed Studies Policy

This policy applies to students.

Individuals with Disabilities Policy

This policy applies to all employees, regardless of employment type.

Institutional Review Board Policy

This policy applies to all students, staff, faculty and friends of Hartwick College conducting research on human subjects at Hartwick College.

Intellectual Property Policy

This policy applies to all employees regardless of employment type.

International Baccalaureate (IB) Policy

This policy applies to students.

Internships Policy

This policy applies to students.

January Term Participation Policy

This policy applies to students.

Key Control Policy

This policy applies to any individual (student, employee, or other third party contractor) issued a Hartwick College key.

Land Use Policy

This policy applies to all Hartwick students and employees, third party contractors, and visitors of Hartwick College.

Leave of Absence Policy

This policy applies to students.

Mandatory Employee Training Policy

This policy applies to all faculty, staff, full time employees, part time employees, and applicable student employees.

Military Credit Policy

This policy applies to eligible students.

Missed Class Policy

This policy applies to faculty and students

Name Image Likeness (NIL) Policy

This policy applies to student athletes.

NCAA Transgender Participation Policy

This policy applies to student athletes.

Non-Credit Study Policy

This policy applies to students.

Non-Degree Students Policy

This policy applies to students.

Non-Fraternization Policy

This policy applies to all faculty and staff.

Nursing Mother Accommodation Policy

The Nursing Mother Accommodation Policy applies to all Hartwick College full-time, part-time, exempt, non-exempt and student employees.

Official Transcripts Policy

This policy applies to students.

Online Course Sharing Consortium Policy

This policy applies to students.

Overall Average Honors Policy

This policy applies to students.

Parking & Motor Vehicle Policy

This policy applies to students, visitors, faculty, and staff.

Pass/No Pass Policy

This policy applies to students.

Payroll and Compensation Policy

This policy applies to Employees of Harwtick College (including student employees).

Peaceful Assembly/Protest Policy

This policy applies to Hartwick College students and external community members (i.e. guests of the College).

Photo Identification Policy

This policy applies to all employees, regardless of employment type.

Policy Against Bias, Discrimination & Harassment

This policy applies to students; employees; contractors, subcontractors, vendors, or other third parties; and visitors or guests of the College.

Political Activity on Campus Policy

This policy applies to faculty, staff, and students

Pre-Registration Policy

This policy applies to students.

Problem Resolution Policy

This policy applies to all employees regardless of employment type.

Protection of Minors Policy

This policy applies to all employees, regardless of employment type and students.

Purchasing Service Policy

This policy applies to faculty, students & staff.

Readmission (from Withdrawal, Academic Dismissal or for a Second Degree) Policy

This policy applies to students.

Records Management, Retention, and Disposal Policy

This policy applies to all employees, regardless of employment type.

Release of Information to the Media & Public Relations Policy

This policy applies to all Hartwick College employees.

Repeating a Course Policy

This policy applies to students.

Residency Requirement Policy

This policy applies to undergraduate students.

Retaking Courses (Clinical Research Management Program) Policy

This policy applies to students.

Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy

This policy applies to students.

Second Degree Policy

This policy applies to students.

Spectator and Tailgating Policies

This policy applies to Hartwick College faculty, staff, students and visitors.

Standards of NYS Student Aid Eligibility Policy

This policy applies to students.

Student Grievance Procedures Policy

This policy applies to students.

Study Abroad Programs Policy

This policy applies to students.

SUNY Oneonta Exchange Program Policy

This policy applies to students.

Suspensions Policy

This policy applies to students.

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) Policy

This policy applies to students, faculty, and staff.

Title IX and Sexual Misconduct Policy

This policy applies to Hartwick students; Hartwick employees; contractors, subcontractors, vendors, or other third parties; and visitors or guests of the College.

Transfer Credit Appeal Policy

This policy applies to students.

Transfer Student Policy

This policy applies to prospective Hartwick students.

Travel & Credit Card Policy

This policy applies to any community member seeking reimbursement for travel expenses related to official College business and to employees using College issued credit cards.

Tuition Remission Policy

This policy applies to faculty, exempt and non-exempt employees and their dependents.

Visiting Students Policy

This policy applies to students.

Volunteer Paid Time Off Policy

This policy applies to eligible regular full-time benefits eligible staff.

Waivers Policy

This policy applies to students.

Whistleblower Protections Policy

Employees or the equivalent of Hartwick College.

Withdrawals Policy

This policy applies to students.

Written Information Security Program Policy

This policy applies to all employees, faculty, and students in the Hartwick College community who have access to Hartwick College information and technology assets.