Non-Fraternization Policy

Effective Date

Revised Date
July 19, 2023


Phone: 607-431-4315
[email protected]

Policy #6.18: This policy serves to uphold Hartwick College’s high standards of professional and ethical conduct, specifically with respect to interpersonal relationships.

Policy Scope
This policy applies to all faculty and staff.

Responsible Office
Human Resources

Hartwick College prohibits non-consensual relationships to ensure that students and employees are able to learn or work in an environment where they can be objectively supervised, instructed, or evaluated. Moreover, to provide equal treatment and avoid potential conflicts of interest, favoritism, exploitation, harassment, or professional standard breaches, students, faculty, and staff are prohibited from engaging in romantic or sexual relationships where supervision, direction, or control exists between the parties.

Romantic and/or sexual relationships between employees and students are prohibited, even when the relationship is a consensual one (except in cases where the relationship precedes the student’s matriculation). In the collegiate setting, such relationships undermine the atmosphere of trust on which educational or institutional activities depend and disrupt the professional environment.

It is also unacceptable for employees of the College to participate in romantic and/or sexual relationships with other, non-student employees for whom they have supervisory responsibility, except in cases where the relationship preceded their employment at the College. The College may make an exception to this provision of the policy in specific instances of appointing academic program department chairs.

If you are in a relationship with a current or newly matriculated student or a subordinate employee (whether the result of either party’s appointment or promotion), you must disclose this relationship to the Office of Human Resources upon hire, matriculation, promotion, or appointment.

Employees who become aware of relationships that violate this policy are expected to report it. Staff may report such to the Vice President for Human Resources, Inclusion and Compliance and faculty may contact the Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs.

The appropriate College official will apprise the employee of the College’s policies and give the student/faculty/staff member an opportunity to respond to the complaint/report/allegation. If a complaint/report/allegation against any employee of the College related to such a romantic or sexual involvement is found to be justified, that employee will be held responsible and will face appropriate corrective action up to and including termination of employment.