Reporting Crimes & Emergencies

Witnesses and victims of a campus crime or emergency, or those who are suspicious of people or situations on campus, are encouraged to contact Hartwick College Campus Safety immediately.

To make a report or file a complaint, dial 607-431-4111, or from a campus phone, dial 4111.

Dialing 911 on a cell phone will connect the caller to the Otsego County 911 Center.

Campus Safety Response

If a crime, violation of College policy, or emergency is reported, Hartwick College Campus Safety will respond immediately and follow these procedures:

  • A Campus Safety officer will be dispatched to the scene to assess the situation and attend to the needs of any victims. Should the situation warrant it or the victim request it, outside agencies such as the police, ambulance, or rape crisis team will be contacted.
  • At the scene the Campus Safety officer(s) is responsible for maintaining order, taking statements from victims and witnesses, preserving evidence, and contacting College officials and counseling services if needed.
  • The responding Campus Safety officer(s) also will file a written report of the incident with the Director of Campus Safety who, in turn, will share this report with the Assistant Vice President for Student Experience.
  • All serious crimes, e.g. burglaries, robberies, arson, and sexual assault, will be investigated by the Oneonta Police Department or New York State Police.
  • All Cleary crimes or serious incidents that occur on campus or in the community at large will be reported to the members of the campus community in a timely manner via various means, including Campus Safety alerts, campus bulletin boards, email distribution lists, and the College newspaper.
  • A violation of the sexual misconduct policy may be reported to the Title IX coordinator by phone, email, in person or online, or to other officials as provided in the sexual misconduct policy.
  • Crime logs can be reviewed in hard copy at the Office of Campus Safety in Dewar Union.

Campus Safety Reporting

Annual Security and Fire Safety Report

Your personal safety and the security of the campus community are of vital concern to Hartwick College. A copy of the Hartwick College’s Annual Security and Fire Safety Report is available (Download Hartwick College’s Annual Security and Fire Safety Report) or upon request by contacting the Office of Campus Safety, Hartwick College, Dewar Union, Oneonta, NY, 13820, 607-431-4111. The Annual Security and Fire Safety Report (ASFSR) contains the specific procedures and details for preparing this report.

This report includes statistics for the most recent three-year period concerning reported crimes that occurred on campus, on property owned or controlled by the College, and on public property immediately adjacent to and accessible from the campus. The report also includes information regarding the law-enforcement authority of the Campus Safety office, and policies on matters affecting campus safety such as crime prevention, alcohol and drug use, sexual assault, state sex offender registry, and reporting of crimes.

The Cleary Act

The Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act, enacted in 1990, is now known as the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (the Clery Act). The College reports its campus statistics on an annual basis in accordance with the Clery Act. Campus crime statistics for Hartwick and other colleges and universities may be found at the U.S. Department of Education’s Website.