Tutoring Services

Peer Tutoring

The Student Success Center offers Peer Tutors for some of Hartwick’s most rigorous courses.

These services are provided free of charge and are designed to help refine students’ study skills and provide assistance in particular subjects.

Peer tutors are students recommended by faculty or chosen on the basis of strong performance in a specific course.

All Hartwick College students, in all years and at all levels of understanding, are eligible for tutoring services.
There are occasions when a tutor may not be available in a course. In that case students are encouraged to work directly with their professor on course content.
In addition to seeking tutoring services, students are encouraged to first speak with their instructor.

Tutoring Appointments

All tutor sessions are by appointment only.


Become a Tutor

Why Become a Tutor?

Tutoring allows students to share their enthusiasm for a course and their strategies and techniques for learning the material effectively.

Tutors are paid for their time (through Work-Study or college employment, based on eligibility).

Many tutors find the experience of helping fellow students enjoyable.

If you are interested in becoming a tutor, contact [email protected].

Student Success Center

Yager Hall
2nd Floor
Hartwick College
Oneonta, New York