

Ocean Planet
From the Smithsonian, provides information about the biological diversity of the world’s oceans and information about environmental issues impacting ocean life.


American Rivers 

Water Quality and Water Pollution

American Water Works Association
Homepage of the AWWA, which is “an international nonprofit scientific and educational society dedicated to the improvement of water quality and supply”. Links and resources.

Children’s World Water Forum
From UNICEF includes news and analysis of the “Children’s World Water Forum in Mexico City in March of 2006, in which “participants are real-life experiences of unsafe water, poor sanitation and what they have done to improve conditions in their communities” in video clips, a photo essay and links to other sites. 

Clean Water Action
From a national citizen’s organization “working to ensure safe and affordable water in the United States” includes information on state and national programs.

The World’s Water
From the Pacific Institute for Studies in Development, Environment and Security, includes “information, data and resources for individuals, organizations, and institutions working on solutions to a wide range of global freshwater problems.”

Water Resources

National Resources Defense Council
Organized “to protect the planet’s wildlife and wild places and to ensure a safe and healthy environment for all living things”, includes news, FAQ’s, reports and analysis on global warming, water pollution, wildlife, nuclear weapons and more. Follow the link to the Clean Water and Oceans Page for more information on water pollution and its impact.

Water Resources of the United States
A gateway site on the water resources of the US from the United States Geological Survey providing a wealth of information and resources.

World Water Day  
From the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) includes information on the celebration of World Water Day from 2000 to present. Themes include Water for Life, Water for Health, and Water for Development.

Water Use

United Nations Atlas of the Oceans
“An internet portal providing information relevant to the sustainable development of the oceans”, includes information about ocean biology and ecology, issues like food security, sustainability, human health, and global climate change.  Also includes information use of the world’s oceans, including fishing, aquaculture, tourism, transportation, mining, energy, biotechnology, dumping and waste disposal and more, and ocean geography.

Water Use in the United States
From the National Water Use Information Program sponsored by the United States Geological Survey, includes information on water use in the United States by homes, farms, and industry at the county, state and national level.