Emotional Support Animals
Students seeking the use of an Emotional Support Animal (ESA) should read the following information prior to submitting a request.
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Emotional Support Animals
The United States Department of Housing and Urban Development Regulations defines emotional support animals as “animals that alleviate one or more identified symptoms or effects of a person’s disability. They provide comfort to a person with a psychiatric disability, but are not trained to perform specific tasks to assist them.”
ESAs can be any type of animal as long as the animal: does not pose a direct threat to the health and safety of others; would not cause substantial physical damage to the property of others; and would not fundamentally alter the nature of the provider’s operations.
Procedure to Apply for ESA Approval
Students requesting to live with and use an emotional support animal must follow the procedure for approval.
Students requesting to live with and use an emotional support animal must follow procedure. Students must disclose their disability and submit appropriate disability documentation to AccessAbility Services for review. Once documentation is reviewed, the student must meet with AccessAbility Services staff.
Please note the following regarding ESAs on campus:
– The animal must be contained within the individual’s room assignment except to the extent;
– The animal needs to go outdoors for natural relief;
– The College can capture and immediately remove an animal that is running at-large on campus;
– The College can immediately remove an animal based on evidence of mistreatment or abuse; and
animals cannot be left alone overnight without the caregiver.
Documentation is required from a treating mental health provider, setting forth the following:
– The nature of the student’s disability;
– That the animal is necessary to afford the student an equal opportunity to participate in campus housing; and
– That there is a relationship between the student’s disability and the support the animal provides.
– PDF – Medical provider form
The College considers the following factors when determining an ESA Request:
1. The age and size of the animal must be appropriate for available housing;
2. Animal’s presence cannot force another individual from housing;
3. Animal cannot violate an individual’s right to peace and quiet enjoyment;
4. Animal must be house broken and able to reasonably live with and among others;
5. Vaccinations must be up-to-date during the animal’s entire stay on campus;
6. Animal poses, or has posed, a direct threat to others (e.g. aggressive behavior or injury); or
7. Animal causes, or has caused, excessive damage beyond reasonable wear and tear.
Removal of an animal is allowable if one of the following conditions apply:
– The college can demonstrate that allowing the assistance animal would impose an undue financial or administrative burden;
– Allowing the assistance animal would fundamentally alter the nature of the service or program being offered;
– The specific animal in question poses a direct threat to the health and safety of others;
– When the specific animal in question would cause substantial physical damage to the property of others that cannot be reduced or eliminated by a reasonable adjustment and/or modification.
The Center for Student Success
[email protected]